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The update of the CCS-1(10) Slabs-on-Ground educational document of the American Concrete Association provides important new guidelines for laying with today’s laser-guided screed and finishing with walk-behind and ride-on power equipment
The American Concrete Institute (ACI) has produced hundreds of documents dedicated to improving the design, construction, maintenance, and repair of concrete and masonry structures. ACI documents are developed in a variety of types and formats, including standards (design specifications and construction specifications), manuals and manuals, certification documents, and educational documents. As part of the Institute’s concrete craftsman series, the CCS-1(10) Slabs-on-Ground update includes information on the use of laser-guided screeds for laying and the use of walk-behind and ride-on power equipment for finishing.
Although standardization is the most stringent consensus process used by ACI, educational documents are practice-oriented tools designed to improve the ability of concrete producers, contractors, technicians, engineers, etc. Educational documents are based on ACI technical documents and supplement them as needed to generate resources for a wider audience.
A group of ACI educational documents that has become more and more popular over the years is the Concrete Craftsman series. This series is a useful guide and training resource for craftsmen and contractors, especially those who are interested in obtaining a certificate by obtaining ACI certification. People related to the periphery of the concrete industry are also very interested, such as representatives of materials suppliers who wish to increase their knowledge of building materials or engineers with inexperience. The titles of the series include concrete foundations, floor slabs, artisan shotcrete, support beams and slabs, and placement and finishing of decorative concrete planes.
The American Concrete Society CCS-1(10) Slabs-on-Ground is the first book in the ACI Concrete Craftsman series. It was first published in 1982 under the guidance of the ACI Educational Activities Committee, and the current publication year is 2009. Slabs-on-Ground is the main reference for the ACI Concrete Floor Finisher/Technician Certification Program, as a reference in the ACI Certification Workbook and Study Guide CP-10: ACI Concrete Floor Finishing Certified Craftsman Workbook. The certification program has improved the quality of concrete construction throughout the industry, and more than 7,500 concrete surface finishers/technicians have been certified. ACI 301-20 “Specification for Concrete Structures” now specifies the minimum number of certified personnel. ARCOM is a partner of the American Institute of Architects. It also includes optional languages ​​in its MASTERSPEC® specification system, requiring cast-in-place concrete installers to be certified by ACI plane workers and technicians, and the installation supervisor must also obtain ACI plane work technicians In addition, some major retailers require contractors who build concrete floors for their stores to have certified ACI concrete finishers to perform this work.
CCS-1(10) Slabs-on-Ground focuses on the impact of concrete finishing agents on the quality of floor slabs. The latest version has updated information, including the use of laser-guided screeds for laying and the use of walk-behind and ride-on power equipment for finishing.
The information in CCS-1(10) Slabs-on-Ground should be used as a guide for good practice. This document does not replace any project plan and specifications. If the provisions in the plan and specifications differ from the guidance given in the document, the differences should be discussed with the design professional. For more detailed information, please refer to ACI 302.1R: “Concrete Floors and Floor Slab Construction Guidelines” is a useful reference. Other reference documents are listed in the concrete craftsman’s manual. For more information or to purchase CCS-1(10) Slabs-on-Ground in printed or digital PDF format, please visit
Michael L. Tholen is the managing director of the Engineering and Professional Development Department of the American Concrete Institute.

Post time: Aug-31-2021