
Whataburger starts a new year? Eat that kind of food not so fast | food and drink

When I gulped for fries, I realized that I wanted Whataburger too much. Like any new year, it is a clean slate, and it’s time for change. I decided to change my eating habits and eat less fast food and more home-cooked meals — more specifically, healthier meals.
Entering the New Year’s day, I am already eating Whataburger. I have made a decision, but I need a plan. Actually planning how I would change these habits made the biggest difference. At least, so far.
Some of the bad eating habits I struggle with, as well as many other bad eating habits, are drinking too many calories of sweet tea, soda or even fruit juice, relying on the convenience of fast food, I actually don’t know the difference between healthy and unhealthy food (just because of the label Writing “low-fat” does not mean that it is good for you), don’t control portion size and eat foods that contain a lot of sugar or high fat.
How to change any of these habits requires practice, because when you become accustomed to a diet, it is easy to continue to maintain this diet. If you are like me, it is best to solve one habit at a time.
I am taking baby steps and doing it month by month. This is what I will do in January. I will reassess and decide what needs to be revised next month.
Most nutrition websites I have found recommend breakfast, healthy morning snacks, lunch, healthy afternoon snacks, dinner and optional snacks before bed.
So, I really will eat breakfast. It is difficult for me. I seldom get hungry in the morning, and even though someone tells me this is the most important meal of the day, I don’t care. I noticed that because I don’t eat anything in the morning, I tend to continue craving snacks and snacks after I eat lunch…and then snacks.
When I go out to eat, I don’t eat the whole part, but take some away. Because if you haven’t noticed by now, nine out of ten restaurants offer large portions, and it’s easy to eat more than I should.
One of the most difficult things for me is to replace my beloved whole milk with almond milk. Although I can convert it to 2%, I don’t like it. It’s too watery for me, and almond milk is just a completely different kind of milk.
I grill or bake food, not deep-fried food. I like fried food, but it is too unhealthy and it will break my skin. Goodbye sweet tea, how sweet and water are you? I don’t drink soda much anymore, so I don’t worry about that.
If you have a plan to change your eating habits, please trust yourself, and most importantly, if you can’t stick to your plan, please don’t blame yourself. Just eat it day by day.
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Post time: Aug-30-2021